Design and delivery of wildlife surveys

- Experienced in complex aspects of wildlife survey design, including sampling at large spatial scales using stratification

- Highly experienced in the delivery field surveys for birds, including aerial and ground-based techniques (including point counts by ear)

- Experienced surveyors of herptiles, bats and other fauna

Example Projects:

Status of shorebirds at migratory stopovers in Ontario – Canadian Wildlife Service Ontario Region. Assessment of status of shorebirds at migratory stopover sites in Ontario using the estimating equations methodology. Preparation of report for publication.

Surveys of boreal shorebirds of the Northwest Territories – Canadian Wildlife Service Prairie and Northern Region. Designing and carrying out field surveys for shorebirds and other birds in boreal wetlands of the Northwest Territories. Ground-based and aerial methods

Various wildlife surveys – Golder Associates Ltd., Ottawa. Surveys of breeding birds, owls, whip-poor-wills, and amphibians at various proposed development sites in eastern Ontario

Example Publications (see complete list):

Smith, P.A., C.L. Gratto-Trevor, B.T. Collins, S.D. Fellows, R.B. Lanctot, J. Liebezeit, B. McCaffery, D. Tracy, D. Troy, J. Rausch, S. Kendall, S. Zack, and H.R. Gates. In Press. Trends in abundance of Semipalmated Sandpipers: evidence from the Arctic. Waterbirds.

Smith, P.A., J. Bart, R.B. Lanctot, B.J. McCaffery, and S. Brown. 2009. Detection probability of nests and implications for survey design. Condor 111:414-423.