A list of recent publications for Paul Smith and Sarah (Dauncey) Smith, lead consultants at Smith and Associates Ecological Research Ltd., is below.  Please contact us with reprint requests. 

Refereed contributions in reverse chronological order, including submissions.  Order as follows: contributions in refereed journals, book chapters, other refereed contributions

Contributions in refereed journals

McFarlane-Tranquilla, L., W.A. Montevecchi, A. Hedd, D.A. Fifield, C. Burke, P.A. Smith, P. Regular, G.J. Robertson, A.J.Gaston, and R.A. Phillips. In prep. Tracking winter habitat use and anthropogenic risk for murres in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean.

Iverson, S.A., H.G. Gilchrist and P.A. Smith. Submitted. Cascading ecological impacts of climate change: are polar bears feeding down the food chain?

Bart, J., M. Fuller, P. Smith and L. Dunn. Submitted. Use of large-scale, multi-species surveys to monitor gyrfalcon and ptarmigan populations. Auk.

Andres, B.A., C. Gratto-Trevor, P. Hicklin, D. Mizrahi, R.I.G. Morrison, and P.A. Smith. Submitted. Status of the Semipalmated Sandpiper. Waterbirds.

Gaston, A.J., P.A. Smith, and J. Provencher. Submitted. Discontinuous change in ice cover in Hudson Bay in the 1990s and some consequences for marine birds and their prey. ICES Journal of Marine Science.

Smith, P.A., I. Tulp, H. Schekkerman, H.G. Gilchrist, and M.R. Forbes. Submitted. Shorebird incubation behavior influences the risk of nest predation.  Animal Behaviour.

Dickson, L., and P.A. Smith. Submitted. Habitat use of Common and King Eiders in spring in the Southeast Beaufort Sea and overlap with resource exploration. Journal of Wildlife Management (JWM-11-0172).

Gratto-Trevor, C.L., P.A. Smith, R.I.G. Morrison, Y. Aubry, and R. Cotter. Submitted. Population trends in Semipalmated Sandpipers at migration staging sites. Waterbirds.

Smith, P.A., C.L. Gratto-Trevor, B.T. Collins, S.D. Fellows, R.B. Lanctot, J. Liebezeit, B. McCaffery, D. Tracy, D. Troy, J. Rausch, S. Kendall, S. Zack, and H.R. Gates. In Press. Trends in abundance of Semipalmated Sandpipers: evidence from the Arctic. Waterbirds.

Ross, R.K., P.A. Smith, C.A. Friis, R.I.G. Morrison, and B. Campbell. Accepted. Population trends of shorebirds in southern Ontario, 1974-2009. Waterbirds.

Smith, P.A., and A.J. Gaston. Submitted. Demography, diet and chick-provisioning in Thick-billed Murres in relation to environmental conditions in the breeding and non-breeding seasons. Marine Ecology Progress Series (#7699).

Smith, P.A., H.G. Gilchrist, and M.R. Forbes. Submitted. Predator indices and incubation behavior explain patterns of nest survival for arctic shorebirds. Behavioral Ecology (BEHECO-2011-0351).

Smith, P.A., S.A. Dauncey, H.G. Gilchrist, and M.R. Forbes. In Press. The influence of weather on uni- and biparental shorebird incubation in the Arctic.  In Video Surveillance of Nesting Birds, P. Pietz and C. Ribic, eds.  Studies in Avian Biology 43:XX.

Gaston, A.J., P.A. Smith, L. Tranquilla, W.A. Montevecchi, D. Fifield, H.G. Gilchrist, A. Hedd, M.L. Mallory, G.J. Robertson, R. Phillips. 2011. Movements and wintering areas of breeding age Thick-billed Murres Uria lomvia from two colonies in Nunavut, Canada, as determined by solar geolocation.  Marine Biology (online first) DOI: 10.1007/s00227-011-1704-9.

Elliott, K., P.A. Smith, and V. Johnston. 2010. Aerial surveys do not reliably census boreal shorebirds. Canadian Field-Naturalist 124:145–150.

Smith, P.A., and S.D. Wilson. 2010. Intraseasonal patterns in shorebird nest survival are related to nest age and defence behaviour. Oecologia 163:613-624. 

Smith, P.A., H.G. Gilchrist, M.R. Forbes, J.-L. Martin, and K. Allard. 2010. Inter-annual variation in the breeding chronology of Arctic shorebirds: effects of weather, snow melt and predators. Journal of Avian Biology 41:292-304.

McKinnon, L., P.A. Smith, E. Nol, J.-L. Martin, F.I. Doyle, K. Abraham, H.G. Gilchrist, R.I.G. Morrison, and J. Bêty. 2010. Response to Faaborg: Suitability of artificial nests. Science 328:46-47.  

Smith, P.A., K.H. Elliott, A.J. Gaston, and H.G. Gilchrist. 2010. Early ice clearance leads to increased predation on breeding birds by polar bears. Polar Biology 33:1149-1153.

McKinnon, L., P.A. Smith, L. Nguyen, J.-L. Martin, F. Doyle, K. Abraham, H.G. Gilchrist, E. Nol, R.I.G. Morrison, and J. Bêty. 2010. Experimental evidence for lower predation risk at high latitudes. Science 327:326-327.

Gaston, A.J., H.G. Gilchrist, M.L. Mallory, and P.A. Smith. 2009. Changes in seasonal events, peak food availability and consequent breeding adjustment in a marine bird: a case of progressive mismatching. Condor 111:111-119. 

Smith, P.A., J. Bart, R.B. Lanctot, B.J. McCaffery, and S. Brown. 2009. Detection probability of nests and implications for survey design. Condor 111:414-423. 

Montevecchi, W.A., L. Macfarlane-Tranquilla, A. Buren, C. Burke, D. Fifield, A. Hedd, P. Regular, and P. Smith. 2009. Effects of geolocators in studies of avian movement ecology. Science, 23 April, 2009. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/eletters/323/5916/896

Liebezeit, J.R., P.A. Smith, R.B. Lanctot, H. Schekkerman, I. Tulp, S.J. Kendall, D. Tracy, R.J. Rodrigues, H. Meltofte, J.A.R. Robinson, C. Gratto-Trevor, B.J. McCaffery, J. Morse, and S.W. Zack. 2007. Assessing the development of shorebird eggs using the flotation method: species-specific and generalized regression models. Condor 109:32-47. 

Perkins, D.E., P.A. Smith, and H.G. Gilchrist. 2007. The breeding ecology of Ruddy Turnstones in the Eastern Canadian Arctic. Polar Record 43:135-142. 

Smith, P.A., H.G. Gilchrist, J.N.M. Smith, and E. Nol. 2007. Annual variation in the benefits of a nesting association between Red Phalaropes (Phalaropus fulicarius) and Sabine's Gulls (Xema sabini). Auk 124:276-290.

Smith, P.A., H.G. Gilchrist, and J.N.M. Smith. 2007. Effects of nest habitat, food, and parental behavior on shorebird nest success. Condor 109:15-31.

Mallory, M.L., A.J. Fontaine, P.A. Smith, M.O. Wiebe Robertson, and H.G. Gilchrist. 2006. Water chemistry of ponds on Southampton Island, Nunavut, Canada: effects of habitat and ornithogenic inputs. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 166:411-432.
Smith, P.A., J.A. Schaefer, and B.R. Patterson. 2002. Variation at high latitudes: the geography of body size and cranial morphology of the muskox, Ovibos moschatus. Journal of Biogeography 29:1089-1094.

Peer-reviewed Book Chapters

Bart, J., V. Johnston, P.A. Smith, A. Manning, J. Rausch, and S. Brown. In Press. Methods used in the Arctic PRISM surveys. Chapter 2 in Bart, J. and V.H. Johnston (editors). In press (2012). Arctic shorebirds in North America: a decade of monitoring. Studies in Avian Biology Series (vol. 44), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Smith, P.A., V. Johnston, and J. Rausch. In Press. Southampton and Coats Islands. Chapter 6 in Bart, J. and V.H. Johnston (editors). In press (2012). Arctic shorebirds in North America: a decade of monitoring. Studies in Avian Biology Series (vol. 44), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Johnston, V., and P.A. Smith. In Press. Surveys of shorebirds and waterbirds on Prince Charles, Air Force and western Baffin Islands, Nunavut, 1996-2004. Chapter 7 in Bart, J. and V.H. Johnston (editors). In press (2012). Arctic shorebirds in North America: a decade of monitoring. Studies in Avian Biology Series (vol. 44), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Elliott, K., and P.A. Smith. In Press. Are most birds in the Canadian Arctic restricted to coastal areas?  Chapter 9 in Bart, J. and V.H. Johnston (editors). In press (2012). Arctic shorebirds in North America: a decade of monitoring. Studies in Avian Biology Series (vol. 44), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Pirie, L., P.A. Smith, and V. Johnston. In Press. Tier two surveys. Chapter 11 in Bart, J. and V.H. Johnston (editors). In press (2012). Arctic shorebirds in North America: a decade of monitoring. Studies in Avian Biology Series (vol. 44), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Bart, J., and P.A. Smith. In Press. Design of future surveys. Chapter 13 in Bart, J. and V.H. Johnston (editors). In press (2012). Arctic shorebirds in North America: a decade of monitoring. Studies in Avian Biology Series (vol. 44), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Bart, J., and P.A. Smith. In Press. Summary and conclusions. Chapter 14 in Bart, J. and V.H. Johnston (editors). In press (2012). Arctic shorebirds in North America: a decade of monitoring. Studies in Avian Biology Series (vol. 44), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Bart, J., V. Johnston, J. Rausch, P.A. Smith, and B.J. McCaffery. In Press. Priorities for future PRISM surveys. Chapter 15 in Bart, J. and V.H. Johnston (editors). In press (2012). Arctic shorebirds in North America: a decade of monitoring. Studies in Avian Biology Series (vol. 44), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Skagen, S.K., P.A. Smith, B. Andres, G. Donaldson, and S. Brown. In Press. Contribution of Arctic PRISM to monitoring western hemispheric shorebirds.  Chapter 16 in Bart, J. and V.H. Johnston (editors). In press (2012). Arctic shorebirds in North America: a decade of monitoring. Studies in Avian Biology Series (vol. 44), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Bart, J., S. Brown, R.I.G. Morrison, and P.A. Smith. In Press. Other Methods for Estimating Trends of Arctic Birds.  Appendix A in Bart, J. and V.H. Johnston (editors). In press (2012). Arctic shorebirds in North America: a decade of monitoring. Studies in Avian Biology Series (vol. 44), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Smith, P.A., and H.G. Gilchrist. 2010. Breeding ecology of eastern arctic shorebirds. Pp. 94-99 in Hudson Bay Region Research (L. Chow and K. McKay, eds.). University of Manitoba Aboriginal Issues Press. 

Smith, P.A., H.G. Gilchrist, and V.H. Johnston. 2006. Shorebird declines and climate change in Hudson Bay. Pp. 223-232 in People and Environmental Change (R. Riewe and J. Oakes, eds.). Manitoba Aboriginal Issues Press.

Other refereed contributions

Arctic PRISM Peer Review Committee. 2010. A Peer Review of the Arctic PRISM Program. U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Migratory Bird Management, Arlington, VA, USA. <http://www.fws.gov/shorebirdplan/Prism.htm>.

Latour, P.L., J. Leger, J.E. Hines, M.L. Mallory, D.L. Mulders, H.G. Gilchrist, P.A. Smith, and D.L. Dickson. 2008. Key migratory bird terrestrial habitat sites in the Northwest Territories. Occasional Paper 114. Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa. 120pp. 

Selected non-refereed contributions in reverse chronological order

McKinnon, L., K.F. Abraham, J. Bêty, F.I. Doyle, R.I.G. Morrison, E. Nol, L. Pollock, P.A. Smith, V. Sokolov, M. Soloviev, and D.G. Reid. 2011. Chapter 6: Shorebirds in Gauthier, G., and D. Berteaux (editors). ArcticWOLVES: Arctic Wildlife Observatories Linking Vulnerable Ecosystems. Final synthesis report. Centre d’études nordiques, Université Laval, Quebec, Quebec. 133 pp.

Smith, P.  2011. An all-bird conservation plan for BCR3: arctic plains and mountains. Report to the Incidental Take Committee of Environment Canada. 

Smith, P. 2010. Environment Canada’s monitoring of Red Knots in South America. Unpublished Report to Environment Canada’s Avian Monitoring Review Committee. 19pp.

Smith, P., and C. Friis. 2010. Population trends of Southern Ontario shorebirds, 1974-2009.  Unpublished report to CWS Downsview.

Smith, P. 2010. An assessment of Tundra Swan surveys in Canada. Unpublished report to Environment Canada’s Avian Monitoring Review Committee. 24pp.

Smith, P. 2010. Trumpeter swan surveys in Canada. Unpublished report to Environment Canada’s Monitoring Review Committee. 21pp.

Smith, P. 2009. Monitoring shorebirds during migration: an assessment of existing programs and opportunities for improvement. Unpublished report to Environment Canada’s Monitoring Review Committee. 24pp.

Smith, P. 2009. Arctic PRISM: goals, approach and efficiency. Unpublished report to Environment Canada’s Monitoring Review Committee. 19pp.

Davidson, P., P.A. Smith, S. Wilson, and K. Martin. 2008. Poleward bound: arctic birds and their habitats. Birdwatch Canada Magazine, August 2008.

Smith, P.A., V. Johnston, and J. Rausch. 2008. Population estimates of shorebirds in PRISM
Region 4 (Southampton and Coats Islands, Nunavut), 2004-2006. PRISM report series. 23pp.

Smith, P.A., and V. Johnston. 2008. Surveys of shorebirds and waterbirds on Prince Charles, Air Force and western Baffin Islands, Nunavut, 1996-2004. PRISM report series. 26pp.

Smith, P.A., S. Dauncey, and V. Johnston. 2007. Shorebirds of the Mackenzie Valley:  breeding biology and survey techniques. Boreal PRISM report. 28pp. 

Smith, P.A. and A. Guelber. 2006. Tracking shorebirds in a changing Arctic. Envirozine: Environment Canada’s Online Newsmagazine, Issue 67, August 10.

Sinclair, P., Y. Aubry, J. Bart, V. Johnston, R. Lanctot, B. McCaffery, K. Ross, P. Smith, and L. Tibbitts. 2003. Boreal shorebirds: an assessment of conservation status and potential for population monitoring. http://www.bsc-eoc.org/download/Borealshorebirdmonitorpaper.pdf