Planning and carrying out field work in remote locations

Working in remote locations, such as Canada's Arctic, requires a variety of unique skills and knowledge.  In addition to scienfic support, we can assist clients with the sometimes complex logistical arrangements reqiured to carry out successful field expeditions in the North.  Shipping, permitting, and advising on suitable locations, time periods, local contacts and equipment are all services that may be of use to those wishing to carry out research or photographic/cinematographic expeditions in Canada's Arctic. Please contact us for additional information.   

Example projects include:

Arctic Research Infrastructure Fund – Science and Technology Branch, Environment Canada. Coordinating a $750k project to upgrade the facilities at Environment Canada’s remote Arctic research camps.

Anually, various projects. Field work throughout the Eastern and Central Arctic. Work has focussed primarily on coastal and marine birds and their habitats, and has included plankton tows in Digges Sound, assessment of fish communities through seabird diet observations, coastal vegetation surveys, observations of Polar Bear/bird interactions, and a wide variety of other topics.