Analysis of ecological data

- Studies of distribution and habitat use using satellite telemetry and remote sensing data

- Studies of bird migration behaviour using solar geolocators

- Studies of nest survival using models in Program Mark

Example Projects:

Habitat use by Common and King Eiders during spring migration in the Beaufort Sea – Canadian Wildlife Service. Using spatial data describing bird distributions, characteristics of marine habitats and oil and gas activity in the Beaufort Sea to determine habitat preferences and exposure to anthropogenic threats.  The project included extensive GIS work, complex statistical modelling and preparation of a manuscript for the peer-reviewed literature.

Migratory Ecology of the Ruddy Turnstone – Manomet Centre for Conservation Sciences. Leading a field campaign in the southern Foxe Basin to capture Ruddy Turnstones and equip them with light-level geolocators, in order to track their migratory behaviour and habitat use. 

Example Publications (see complete list):

Smith, P.A., and S.D. Wilson. 2010. Intraseasonal patterns in shorebird nest survival are related to nest age and defence behaviour. Oecologia 163:613-624.

Smith, P.A., H.G. Gilchrist, M.R. Forbes, J.-L. Martin, and K. Allard. 2010. Inter-annual variation in the breeding chronology of Arctic shorebirds: effects of weather, snow melt and predators. Journal of Avian Biology 41:292-304.