Conservation planning and assessment

- Development of comprehensive conservation plans for birds and their habitats

- Assessment of population status and threats to North America's birds

- Assessment of conservation strategies from ecological and demographic perspectives

Example Projects:

Conservation plan for BCR3: Arctic Plains and Mountains - Environment Canada. Engaged by Environment Canada through several contracts to develop the technical content of their conservation plan for Arctic Canada, conduct an assessment of anthropogenic threats to all Canadian birds nationally, and also to develop the final, written conservation plan for Nunavut and the Northwest Territories. This project included a variety of assessments of representative habitats, current and potential threats to birds and their habitats, and consideration of subsistence harvest.

Conservation plan for BCR 13: Lower Great Lakes St. Lawrence Plain – Environment Canada. Following the success of the BCR3 conservation plan (above), we were engaged by Environment Canada to complete the conservation plan for this highly developed, high-profile, multi-stakeholder region.

Example Publications (see complete list):

Skagen, S.K., P.A. Smith, B. Andres, G. Donaldson, and S. Brown. In Press. Contribution of Arctic PRISM to monitoring western hemispheric shorebirds.  Chapter 16 in Bart, J. and V.H. Johnston (editors). In press (2012). Arctic shorebirds in North America: a decade of monitoring. Studies in Avian Biology Series (vol. 44), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Latour, P.L., J. Leger, J.E. Hines, M.L. Mallory, D.L. Mulders, H.G. Gilchrist, P.A. Smith, and D.L. Dickson. 2008. Key migratory bird terrestrial habitat sites in the Northwest Territories. Occasional Paper 114. Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa. 120pp.